We partner with roofers in Minnesota to help detach and reset solar panels.
Roof replacements with solar panels present a unique challenge when it comes to getting your job done for your customer.  With over 50 solar DnR’s completed, iSolar is the solution!  We will assist you in getting the projects done on time, correctly, and leave you with happy customers.

iSolar always has you, the contractor, and your customer in mind.   We have perfected a smooth process for getting the panels off the roof.  We always try to get the Detach scheduled a day or 2 before the roof replacement whenever possible. We also guarantee the panels will be back up and in working order within 5-7 days of the roof replacement being finalized.  This ensures your customers’ panels will be on the ground for as short a time as possible.

What does that mean for you, the contractor?

It means you are able to close out your projects in a timely manner and collect money quickly!

Our services will most definitely help assist you in getting that 5-star review!

How it Works: Detach & Reset Your Solar Panels During Roof Replacement

We provide the best service in the industry and here is our seamless process.

  1. You will provide us with an address, photos, and panel counts so we can provide you with a quote.
  2. Once you are ready to move forward you will provide us with 50% of the project’s total cost. iSolar will then contact your customer and get access to their solar energy monitoring platform.  We do this to make sure everything is working properly ahead of the removal.  That way when the system goes up, we will be able to make sure everything is still working as it was before the removal.  If there are any issues, in most cases we can resolve them easily or present a solution without additional cost.
  3. We will then coordinate with you on when you plan on doing roof replacement and we will coordinate the removal of panels accordingly.  iSolar will schedule and prepare your customer on the date and what to expect.
  4. After your roof project has been completed, iSolar will reinstall and re-energize the system and verify the panels are working properly so they are achieving maximum power output.
  5. iSolar will also take care of any permitting and inspections necessary for the project.

Contact us today to discuss your project. We promise to reply promptly 🙂

Call us: (651) 565-1140
Email: info@iSolarMN.com

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